Thursday, December 3, 2009

The allure of Vampires

I vaaaannnnt to suck your blooood!

Black and white films, creepy old guys, fake blood...This might have been what came to mind in the past when you thought of vampires, but fast forward to vampires of the 21st century, and now Vampires are the sexiest things to roam this earth and most of us WANT them to jump through our bedroom windows! Take a look at these 5 websites and stories posted about vampires, there is certainly some interesting thoughts floating around out there!,,dsvw2741,00.html

I will have to admit, I was not aboard the "Vampire Train" when Buffy was a hit sensation. I am not quite sure why, because I am fully on board now! Yes, I am a 28 year old teacher and coach, but I can have chats with my students and swimmers all about the Twilight Series...funny I know, but it's true! Take a look at this YouTube video and see how the worlds of Buffy and Edward collide...spoiler alert, I think many Edward fans would be EXTREMELY unhappy with her!

So here is my connection to the Twilight Series. I will have to admit, I was late jumping on board. Two summers ago while coaching at a Country Club in Eden Prairie, I noticed many moms and nannies reading these HUGE black books. I'm talking every female not working at the pool had their hands on these books and they kept talking about how great they were. I brushed it off for 5 months until I heard talk about this great movie that was about to come out in the Fall. I am one of those crazy people who like to read the book before I go see the movie...only because books are ALWAYS better. So last year, two teacher friends and I agreed we would go see Twilight during winter break. I just had to get my hands on ALL of those big black books...and in a hurry.

I can recall last year going shopping with all of the females in my family (and there are a lot of them!) for Black Friday. We nearly shopped to til we dropped! But I could not wait to return home because I wanted to get my hands on the book Twilight! After our crazy day of spending way too much money, I cozied up by the fire and lost myself in the vampire world of Edward and Bella. I'm sad to admit this, but I read the whole book in one sitting! Yes, yes, the book is written for teen age girls, and so I'm glad that I was able to read it quickly, but after that read, I was hooked! It was like I could not get enough. I ran back out to B. Dalton the following day to get my hands on more of the series. Even though we had school again after the long turkey day weekend, I was able to read all 4 books of the Twilight series within a week.

Book number 2 was the hardest to get through, only because I am on Team Edward and New Moon is ALL about Jacob. My only complaint about the series was the honeymoon. There is definitely sexual tension between Edward and Bella and when they finally give in, I was so happy....but I turned the page, and it was over, the next day even! I was like, "What, what just happened? I am mean I KNOW what just happened, but why did Stephenie Meyer just skip right over ALL of the good stuff?! Bella and Edward finally hook up...oh wait, this book was written for teen age girls, it's not a romance novel for adult females!" I actually laughed out loud as I was flipping the pages back and forth searching for the hot and heavy, missing information.

So why did I get so engulfed in the Twilight Series, why will I defend Team Edward when a member of Team Jacob wants to add her two cents in? I am not 100% sure, but I do know that I saw New Moon on the opening weekend (no, not on opening night, but I did see it on the Sunday of the weekend it came out with my MOM!), and I already know that Eclipse is done being filmed, and I'm counting down the days until I can see that one. My mother and I have discussed if the movie buffs should pull and "Harry Potter" and split Breaking Dawn into two movies because it's such a long book and so much happens...or maybe we just don't want the Twilight magic to end! So why this intense fascination with the Twilight books and movies?!

As I was reading different articles and searching vampire websites for this blog post, I came across a quote that hit close to home. I found this quote from the "On the eve of Twilight, why women find vampires sexy" written by Rosemary Black. She writes:
"There is something very sexy about a vampire's otherworldness," says Medved. "They have and intensity and a desperate need to be close to other humans that is appealing. It's exciting because you never know when a vampire is going to lose control and have to bite you. There is a chaste sensuality at work"
For many women, a vampire like Edward is close to ideal.
"Here is a vampire who looks like a Greek god, he's insanely good looking, forever young and all he wants to do is read your thoughts and spend time with you, Medved says. "When is the last time most men told their wife he wishes he could read her thoughts?"

These quotes for me hit the nail on the head! They so explain why I am on Team Edward, and I would love it if my boyfriend could read my mind...what a great trick that would be. There is something enticing about never having to grow old and staying forever young with a person who can't get enough of you...who would not want that?!

For all of you who have not jumped on the Twilight bandwagon, you need to get a ticket and jump aboard! There's something for everyone, a love story for the ladies, and wars, battles, and blood for the guys...what could be better?! My boyfriend is a manly man, and likes manly things. He has not read any of the books from the Twilight series, but I did have him watch Twilight on DVD with me for a date night. He was not all too excited before the movie started, but when it ended he was asking about what happens in the next book. He will get this wish, when New Moon comes out on DVD, I already have plans for another Date Night! So to all of you folks not interested in the allure of vampires, give the "Twilight" series a chance, I'm willing to bet that you will be "sucked" in!