Thursday, December 3, 2009

The allure of Vampires

I vaaaannnnt to suck your blooood!

Black and white films, creepy old guys, fake blood...This might have been what came to mind in the past when you thought of vampires, but fast forward to vampires of the 21st century, and now Vampires are the sexiest things to roam this earth and most of us WANT them to jump through our bedroom windows! Take a look at these 5 websites and stories posted about vampires, there is certainly some interesting thoughts floating around out there!,,dsvw2741,00.html

I will have to admit, I was not aboard the "Vampire Train" when Buffy was a hit sensation. I am not quite sure why, because I am fully on board now! Yes, I am a 28 year old teacher and coach, but I can have chats with my students and swimmers all about the Twilight Series...funny I know, but it's true! Take a look at this YouTube video and see how the worlds of Buffy and Edward collide...spoiler alert, I think many Edward fans would be EXTREMELY unhappy with her!

So here is my connection to the Twilight Series. I will have to admit, I was late jumping on board. Two summers ago while coaching at a Country Club in Eden Prairie, I noticed many moms and nannies reading these HUGE black books. I'm talking every female not working at the pool had their hands on these books and they kept talking about how great they were. I brushed it off for 5 months until I heard talk about this great movie that was about to come out in the Fall. I am one of those crazy people who like to read the book before I go see the movie...only because books are ALWAYS better. So last year, two teacher friends and I agreed we would go see Twilight during winter break. I just had to get my hands on ALL of those big black books...and in a hurry.

I can recall last year going shopping with all of the females in my family (and there are a lot of them!) for Black Friday. We nearly shopped to til we dropped! But I could not wait to return home because I wanted to get my hands on the book Twilight! After our crazy day of spending way too much money, I cozied up by the fire and lost myself in the vampire world of Edward and Bella. I'm sad to admit this, but I read the whole book in one sitting! Yes, yes, the book is written for teen age girls, and so I'm glad that I was able to read it quickly, but after that read, I was hooked! It was like I could not get enough. I ran back out to B. Dalton the following day to get my hands on more of the series. Even though we had school again after the long turkey day weekend, I was able to read all 4 books of the Twilight series within a week.

Book number 2 was the hardest to get through, only because I am on Team Edward and New Moon is ALL about Jacob. My only complaint about the series was the honeymoon. There is definitely sexual tension between Edward and Bella and when they finally give in, I was so happy....but I turned the page, and it was over, the next day even! I was like, "What, what just happened? I am mean I KNOW what just happened, but why did Stephenie Meyer just skip right over ALL of the good stuff?! Bella and Edward finally hook up...oh wait, this book was written for teen age girls, it's not a romance novel for adult females!" I actually laughed out loud as I was flipping the pages back and forth searching for the hot and heavy, missing information.

So why did I get so engulfed in the Twilight Series, why will I defend Team Edward when a member of Team Jacob wants to add her two cents in? I am not 100% sure, but I do know that I saw New Moon on the opening weekend (no, not on opening night, but I did see it on the Sunday of the weekend it came out with my MOM!), and I already know that Eclipse is done being filmed, and I'm counting down the days until I can see that one. My mother and I have discussed if the movie buffs should pull and "Harry Potter" and split Breaking Dawn into two movies because it's such a long book and so much happens...or maybe we just don't want the Twilight magic to end! So why this intense fascination with the Twilight books and movies?!

As I was reading different articles and searching vampire websites for this blog post, I came across a quote that hit close to home. I found this quote from the "On the eve of Twilight, why women find vampires sexy" written by Rosemary Black. She writes:
"There is something very sexy about a vampire's otherworldness," says Medved. "They have and intensity and a desperate need to be close to other humans that is appealing. It's exciting because you never know when a vampire is going to lose control and have to bite you. There is a chaste sensuality at work"
For many women, a vampire like Edward is close to ideal.
"Here is a vampire who looks like a Greek god, he's insanely good looking, forever young and all he wants to do is read your thoughts and spend time with you, Medved says. "When is the last time most men told their wife he wishes he could read her thoughts?"

These quotes for me hit the nail on the head! They so explain why I am on Team Edward, and I would love it if my boyfriend could read my mind...what a great trick that would be. There is something enticing about never having to grow old and staying forever young with a person who can't get enough of you...who would not want that?!

For all of you who have not jumped on the Twilight bandwagon, you need to get a ticket and jump aboard! There's something for everyone, a love story for the ladies, and wars, battles, and blood for the guys...what could be better?! My boyfriend is a manly man, and likes manly things. He has not read any of the books from the Twilight series, but I did have him watch Twilight on DVD with me for a date night. He was not all too excited before the movie started, but when it ended he was asking about what happens in the next book. He will get this wish, when New Moon comes out on DVD, I already have plans for another Date Night! So to all of you folks not interested in the allure of vampires, give the "Twilight" series a chance, I'm willing to bet that you will be "sucked" in!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clothes: the 80's, 90's and today!

OMG! That JCPenny's catalog was a "real" treasure to find! I found myself laughing out loud and some if the pictures and written commentary! For example, those green bathroom covers were putrid! I am sure that elementary school boy wearing the red stripes and HUGE, flashy belt did have a rough time at school if his mother put him on the bus in the AM dress like that! (He would be one to vote for school uniforms just so his mom did not have a say with his school clothes!) I am glad 1977 fashion is staying in the 70's because I am not sure that I would be OK with using my hard earn money to buy an orange jumpsuit that makes me look as if I was spending time in prison! What was that? And how many socks did he have stuffed into his underwear area...or was that to complete the "look?!" Two more observations, from the JCP clip, so please bare with me! The commentary about "How to get your a$$ kicked on St. Patrick's Day," in my opinion, those men looked like giant, green boogers with chest hair! And last but, certainly not least, what about those couples (so very much in love) wearing matching outfits!?!?! I especially like the lady who was checking out her partner's package in a swimsuit that matched the polyester suit she was wearing! The only time my boyfriend and I match is when we are both wearing our U of M sweats from college on Football Sundays...I think I would hurt him if he wanted to match any other days of the week! I am glad that our fashion tastes have improved (or at least changed) since 1977...I just wonder what our great, great grandchildren will think of our current fashion choices (or fopaux!)

This next video will be a trip down memory lane as to what many of us looked like in the 1980's. I made some of these mistakes (unknowingly, of course!), and these will get you int right mind set for what I write next!

My fashion fopauxes from the 80's...Off the shoulder sweaters, ruffled socks, pinned & rolled stonewashed jeans, bright neon colors, matching plastic earrings for EVERY outfit, just to name a few! Now for the hair...I did sport the HUGE curled bangs that defied gravity (thanks to the help of lots of hairspray!), but it really stunk the days that it rained and I had to wait for the bus. By the time I got to school, my previous rock hard bangs were droopy and a hot mess all day about traumatic. Take a look at this link to get a visual of what I talking about...
This is not a picture of my in my heyday, but it is very similar to how I used to style the 80's bangs! What was I thinking?!?!

Another extremely popular haircut (this time from the 90's) was the "Rachel" copied from Jennifer Aniston who played Rachel Green on the hit TV show "Friends." Check out the video clip below when an avid fan of the show gets a hip, new do!

So this leads into the 20th century...what about the clothes of today? I am a teacher and here is my dress code: Khakis, button up shirt, and my Puma Shoes...I have variations, but this is the general guideline. The purpose of these clothes=Comfort, Convenient, and it's easy! As a teacher you have to have never know what you are taking from kids throughout the day, and it's funny to see what you end up with! As a teacher, you also need sensible shoes, and Pumas are it (plus they give you cool points with your students!)

Props to those female teachers who can run around all day long with heels on, but no thanks, that is not for me! Being in the education world, we would like to consider ourselves at school to be "business casual." But what is that, really?!?! I think some staff members have taken "business casual" to a whole new "very casual" level...but I'm not the boss, just the 5th grade teacher, so who am I to judge?! The one thing we as teacher keep fighting for in our school is "Jeans on Fridays." Our director has not jumped on board yet with this idea, and here is her reasoning...the kids will respect us less if we are wearing jeans.

I beg to differ! One day last year, actually the day before winter break, we were allowed to wear jeans. I can't tell you how many kids said, "there is something different about you today, Miss Riggs..." or "You look very nice today in your jeans." I think that is the opposite of getting less respect if you ask me! And we work at a charter school where we are trying to promote college and higher education to all of our K-5th grade students. What would be better than jeans and our college alma mater sweatshirts to get those conversations between students and teachers rolling??? I think that will be my next selling point to the director the next time this Jean topics comes up!

One thing I do know about fashion today, is that many very young kids are dressed WAY better than any clothes I have in my closet! I have seen 5 year old girls in full Juicy Couture leisure suits, with Ugg boots, manicures, and hair brushed and curled just right! OMG! I think some parents of today, use their children as a pawn to "show off" their financial status when out in public. I think this because kids grow so quickly, so who in their right mind would spend that kind of cash on a hip outfit that will last for a month or two??? (I wish I had that kind of money on a teacher's salary, and then I would let you know how I would "handle" the same "problem!")

I do think in today's culture, clothes are a sign of status and show a belonging to a certain clique. The students at my school are required to wear all navy blue uniforms for many reasons. First, many of these families do not have much and starter uniforms are provided by the school for free. Second, many do not own their own washer and dryer, so having a navy blue shirt and pant is an easy load to wash at the laundry mat. Third, we want to create an even playing field for all the students. But that may have backfired on us...instead of showing status by the shirts and pants they wear, they now fight over having higher status through what shoes they wear or if their hair was just freshly done. I have never heard so much on the price of shoes in my life...but that is their platform to stand on, you either can afford to be on top, or not! We have Family Nights once a month where we invite the families of our school in for a hot meal and school activity. This is the one time that students can be at school and not in their uniforms! OOOOOWWWEEEEEE! Do some of the kids show up dressed to impress! This is another avenue to show their financial status...if you show up in your clean street clothes, you have the means to take care of yourself...if you show up in the same uniform as you wore to school, well, then you just lose a couple of cool points in the popularity game we call life.

I close with this...Holiday parties are just around the corner, and I am sure your planners are starting to fill up with them now. Clothes do say a lot about us, and maybe some put too much pressure or take too much value into the clothes on our backs, but allow me to get your mind going...What are the dress codes for the parties that you will be attending??? Will you be seeing the same people...or can you "risk" buying one new outfit and wearing it to all the holiday parties you will be attending??? Regardless, if you can wear one or have to wear many...make sure you buy one with room to "grow" to be able to fill up on party drinks, food and yummy holiday cookies! Tis the season to be jolly, right?!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We only want the COOL toys!

Watching the "8 Minutes of Pure 1980's Commercials" was a trip down memory lane! I was born in 1981, and I am the quintessential 80's child! Bare with me while I take YOU down my memory lane! I took notes while the YouTube clip was playing...and wow, how great were those graphics back in the 80's?!

My first favorite part of the YouTube clip was the snack size candy bars. I would have loved to have invented the snack size candies...they are all the rage even still today...especially with Halloween that just happened. But how funny are the kids who want to only go to houses that give away the full size or king size candy bars! Regardless, the "Three bites and done" was a great new invention to the candy world. The next part I loved was the CALIFORNIA RAISINS! I had all the California Raisin plastic figurines and I jammed out to their jingle, "I heard it through the grapevine." I remember my brother and I watching the Raisin movies...both cartoon and the claymation videos! The third part of the the commercial clip I loved, was the Toys'R'Us jingle. As soon as I heard those opening musical notes, I sang right along! Who doesn't remember that catchy jingle?! And going to Toys'R'Us as a kid was a special treat. I remember walking up and down the isles wanting just about one of everything, but not ever being able to buy all of what I wanted. To this day, I swear I am traumatized because I wanted a Teddy Ruxbin more than ANYTHING in the world...and I never got him. I swear this kind of stuff sticks with you! I may have not gotten the Teddy Ruxbin, but I was lucky enough to have Cabbage Patch Dolls! As a kid, I guess I did not know that having a Cabbage Patch Doll was such a big deal! I hope my mother was not part of this mass chaos!

I guess the craze of Cabbage Patch Kids laid the groundwork for the craziness for Tickle Me Elmos. I guess back in the 80's, young children saw their parents acting like crazy banshees, and that gave them the green light to go crazy over the Tickle Me Elmos for their own children today!

Anyhoo, back to the Commercial Clips...GhostBusters! My brother had the Ghost mobile Station wagon car, and I used to "Borrow" it for my Barbies. The MatchBox Cars were totally awesome and we would build great tracks and car wash stations and play with them for hours! Not to mention, I have a 5th grade student today in class who uses Match Box cars to calm himself down. No joke! I found this info out from his Mother last year, and I am "borrowing" some of my brother's old match box cars for my current student to use in class now. If he starts to boil over, I can just point in the direction of where the cars are kept, and he knows to go play with them for a few minutes to help him calm down before he boils over like a about the past meeting up with the present! And last, but certainly not least, Charlie Brown Thanksgiving....what a classic! I showed this DVD to my students last Thanksgiving, and they have already asked to see it again...we are building traditions even at school! In one of the Toy'R'Us clips, there was a little boy on a Big Wheel...this brought back many memories for me!

Click on this link to see my All-time Favorite Childhood Toy, My Cabbage Patch Big Wheel! I used to ride around my neighborhood and keep my Pound Puppies in the basket of my big wheel...I thought I was REALLY cool! Wow, I was special!

So now, the connection to Pop Culture and our class...all kids play with toys, and have been playing with toys since the beginning of time. Kids have the creative juices to be able to turn a cardboard box, or pile of rocks into the greatest toy ever. How many times have you bought a really cool, and hip toy for a family member and he/she is more interested in the box or wrapping paper that it came in?! Crazy that we would spend the money on the gift right, but we still do. And with Black Friday right around the corner, there are already specialist making speculations on what the Hip, New, Must Have toys will be for this holiday season.

Ironically, these hip, new, must have toys find their way onto commercials during Saturday morning cartoons...the very same cartoons that kids watch religiously. Advertising companies have become master minds at hitting their target audiences. Pitch it to the kids, the kids will bug their parents until they buy it, and the parents with money will buy it to stop hearing their kids whining for the toys. The only twist in this whole master plan, it that the parents know how much their kids want a certain toy, so they have the upper hand and can get their kids to do just about anything in order to get that toy...chores, behave, get better parents know that I's a mean, mean trick!!!

These must have toys get brought into some schools either during share time, or being snuck into classrooms hidden inside of backpacks. I have seen some classrooms set up "Show & Tell" time as "Brag & Boast" time. The "rich" kids bring in their newest, flashiest toys to rub in the faces of their peers that they do not have it. It can be really sad, create jealousy and animosity, and even promote stealing...and that is why I do not set up my sharing time in this way.

For my sharing time in class, each child has a certain day that he/she is able to share with the class. This is not a surprise and he/she has the choice to share or not to share. What the kids are able to share helps us get through share time without hurting any one's feelings. Here is our criteria in class: For your share day, you can bring in: a photo, your favorite book, something found naturally in nature, or verbally tell a story about a past experience. The hard and fast rule is, if you can find the item you want to share in the toy isle of Target, than it is not OK to being to school and brag about it. This criteria has helped us have interesting share time. We have seen pics of family members alive and deceased, we have seen scrap book pages, and we have heard some incredible real life stories...all because the kids know that Toy and trinkets are not OK to share. I suggest switching up your share time criteria to something similar to our classroom, if you are finding that there has been problems with your current share time...just a thought!

Regardless of what can be shared during our share time in class, our students are growing up with fast-paced technology leading the way. Toys for kids and adults alike need to keep getting smaller, faster, more cost effective to be out on the market. No one wants the old version, every one wants to be the first to get his/her hands on the new toy that just hit shelves. And if you think I'm crazy...think about it, toy cars can not just be pushed by boys on their knees anymore, the toy cars need to drive over piles of dirt, spin, and climb walls all from a remote control...and baby dolls can't just open and close their eyes, instead they need to talk, cry, and soil their pants before a little girl will think of begging her parent(s) to buy it for her! It is a popularity contest in schools with clothes, shoes and what you eat...but there is also a hidden popularity contest with toys among children and adults. Ask yourself, what would you be willing to do (or what have you already done) to get your hands on the new, must have toy? I hope that none of us are willing to be crazy like the adults on the above Cabbage Patch clip, but who really knows just how far some one will go to get a deal and make their child (or even himself/herself) happy??? Happy shopping on Black Friday...May the best shopper win!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How can we be comfortbale in the skin we are in?!

The "Dark side of food"...great topic for the holidays right around the corner, right?! You have to ask yourself this you start dieting now to be able to have wiggle room to enjoy all the holiday cooking and cookies, or eat what you want during the holidays, but sign up for a new membership at Life Time Fitness like the rest of world on January 1st with New Year's Resolutions fresh on our minds...or do you eat what you want, not feel guilty about it, but be uncomfortable with a muffin top on your favorite pair of jeans??? Lots to think about huh, and we are think about what pressures we are sending the kids we teach? Kind of scary don't you think?!

I have been a competitive swimmer most of my life, learning how to swim before I was out of diapers, and swimming for the Gophers for four years back when I was in college. Being in a Speedo most of my life, I have seen my fair share of girls with eating disorders. It is so sad...we burned so many calories in the water during our two hour practices, plus the weights, plus the yoga, plus the core training...not to mention going to class all day long to get an education...and some of these girls would only nibble on saltine crackers! I would not have ever been able to survive on that! Did I like being "in shape" when I was in opposed to gaining the "freshman 15"...ABSOLUTELY! But it was all of the hard training that I liked so that I could eat whatever I wanted without having to that my training is over, well, that is another story. I look at pictures from training trips my swim team took to Hawaii where we were in the best shapes of our lives, but I have to know that I will not be that way again...I don't have time to spend 6-8 hours daily working out, I have a real life now...but that's hard to deal with...always coulda, shoulda, woulda when you look back at something fondly, right?!

So, if I am a 28 year old female longing to be back in shape again, what are my 5th grade students thinking? I can tell you what they are thinking...many of my 10 and 11 year girls are already on diets and will only pick at their food during lunch and skip breakfast altogether. I work at a charter school in Minneapolis where we provide our students and families will just about everything they could ever need...uniforms, breakfast, snacks, lunch, turkeys for the holidays, wish lists fulfilled so there are presents for Christmas, hot meals for Family Nights, bus and cab fare for parents to visit the school...just about anything is provided because 99% of our families live in shelters, are doubled up with others due to being kicked out of their old homes, or are in transit to find a better place to live. So our families do not have much of anything and weekend are hard for most of our children because they know they will not have their routines like at school and will not be getting 2 balanced meals like during the school week. Many of our younger kids come to school Monday famished and still half asleep from what did or did not happen over the weekend, so they devour the food they get at school on Monday's. But as you go up the grades, food has a different power over the students. I know many of my 5th graders do not have much at home, and the boys will come to school and eat up breakfasts on Monday's, but most of my girls will not even touch breakfast, regardless of what day it is! Why is that?

I overhear many conversations between my girls of "I'm on a diet" or "I'm not hungry" or "Are you really going to eat that?" and I have to step back and ask myself, why do they have that mentality when they are basically "starving" at home?! I teach African American students and many of my girls as 5th graders look and are REAL women already...a shock to me, and we already had to have the conversation at the beginning of the school year about how to take care of yourself when it is "that time of the month." Many of the mothers of my students were thankful that I paved the road to make sure my girls were comfortable being at school when they were on their period. Having said girls look and sometimes act like 35 year old women. Not that I have anything against older women, but my "girls" have the bodies of women and at the age of 10 and 11, they are already feeling the pressure to be thin. And in today's society, who can blame them?

Like our reading said, "The message is clear-cut: women who are financially successful must have small bodies; education and ability are less important than physical appearance" (Fed Up Women and Food in America). But here is the ironic part of my teaching situation...the females in my student's lives, moms, grandmas, aunites, are not all that financially stable. So what gives? I can only turn to the pop culture side of body image. While my students may not be grade level in reading or math, they can certainly tell you who is at the top of the charts for music, what clothing style is in right now, and the latest movie to see. Pop culture is my students' way of life, but I think that it is hurting them. I see those "video chicks" in rappers music videos in their string bikinis shaking and gyrating their bodies over new Bentley's...Lil' Kim made a statement a few years back at the VMAs with wearing her purple nipple pasty and jump suit...and the latest dance movies have stick thin girls shaking their stuff for guys...what message is that sending my 5th grade girls??? This is the message: "YOU HAVE TO BE THIN TO FIT IN, AND IF YOU ARE NOT, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU! What in the heck kind of message is that?!

Pop culture can be cruel. Not all that long ago, pop star divas like Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson were berated for gaining a few pounds. Magazines were devoted to calling out these usually in shape females and literally poking fun at how they looked. The flip side to this, the ladies lost the weight and the same magazines that had just made fun of them, now celebrated their new bodies and gave the readers the secrets to their training and transformations. Here's the real secret: these women have the means and the money for the quick fix and can surgically "fix" the problem. But what about my students who are not financially well off, how do they fix a not having a problem at all. They might not have food at home, but they want to be part of the in crowd and their body is the tool to do that, so they have to control what goes into it...not much at all.

While reading Chapter 14 of Tooning In, I found this piece to be very shocking on page 138..."Teenage girls have the poorest diet nutrition of any group in America. Taken as a whole, their diets are deficient in many important nutrients and in total calories. We are evidently feeding refugee groups more nutritiously than we are feeding our own daughters" (Children and teens afraid to eat). How can this be?! Why in a time a place where we could feed all humans are there people in the United States still hungry, and worse, why are some Americans starving themselves? Where did this pressure come from where your pants size determined your value as a human and the smaller the number, the more valued you are?

I guess we do live and learn from our own experiences. Do I wish I cold snap my fingers and be in the shape I was back in the peak of my training in college, yes..I'd be lying to you if I said no. But why do I wish it due to society's pressures to be thin? I guess I would have to say that plays a HUGE part, but overall I just wish pop culture and society would stress being healthy. And by being healthy I mean not being too over weight so that you are hurting your heart, and not too underweight so that your organs start shutting down. And the most important part of being healthy, being comfortable in the skin that you are in! But if society puts such pressure on what your "own skin" should be, then how can we ever be happy with ourselves?! It comes down to practicing what we preach!

At the end of our reading, White and Walker were paving the way for what needs to be happening in our schools. We need to promote and create safe environments for ALL sizes of students. And that goes for teachers as well...I hate when students think "all 'fat teachers' are mean, and all 'skinny teachers' are nice." How ridiculous is that?! I agree with White and Walker when they write, "Prevention needs to be the focus, not curing, if we want to control the damage wrought by eating disorders" (pg 140). We as adults in the classroom need to pave the road and show our students what healthy is and how to be OK with the body we are in right now. This is a tricky situation we are in because we too are feeling the pressures of society, and we also need to understand what morals we need to teach our students...WOW, not only do we teach students to pass the standardized tests, we also need to teach them how and why to respect their bodies as well...all for pennies to the dollar compared to what those big wigs of diet companies are making. In the words of Alanis Morsette, "Isn't it ironic, don't ya think?!" It almost feels like a losing battle we have picked to be a teacher, and it does take a special person to be an educator, and if we each make a positive difference in one life of our students, then we have made the correct decision. So on that note...who it ready to take on the world Monday morning?!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pop Culture Makes the World Go Round

Dear Friends and Families of Room 205,
I wanted to give you a heads up on your child’s learning this year in Room 205. Of course we will be memorizing our multiplication and division facts, having spelling pre and post tests each week, as well as mastering our cursive handwriting. In addition to these normal subjects, we will also be studying Pop Culture and bring it into our class room on a daily basis.
Pop Culture you are asking yourself…why waste time on this? I am sure you are thinking, “My student needs to be at grade level…he/she needs to pass his/her standardized test…What is Miss Riggs thinking THIS time?!” I hear you loud and clear, but here’s the reality…Pop Culture is all around us, and it will bring your student’s learning to life!
Let me get you to see our side of this controversial coin. Pretend you are at work right now, in fact on a lunch break or a quick stop at the water cooler. What questions do you hear among your co-workers, your peers? Do these questions sound familiar??? “Did you see the game last night? How’s your fantasy Team doing? Can you believe that run by AP and that throw by Farve? What are your thoughts on Ballon Boy? Can you scream like Mary Murphy? Would you like to be on the hot tamale train? Do you agree with the Chief about firing that new Doc from Mercy West when she did not check that lady’s throat? What you think about McDreamy standing up to the Chief and pointing the finger at him? Are you going to see the MJ movie this Wednesday…so are you going to have a sick day on Thursday? How about those Law & Order story lines…hits pretty close to home, huh?”
Regardless if these are topics you are interested in, I am willing to bet my next pay check that you have at least heard of the Minnesota Vikings, “So You Think You Can Dance,” Grey’s Anatomy, Michael Jackson, and Crime TV shows. Well, here is the deal, your student has also heard about these topics and this is what they would prefer to talk about. Think about, you pick your friends from people who have similar interests as you…you talk about the same things, you watch the same shows, and generally have the same interests. If adults can handle this, why would we want to squash that for our students?
I can not tell you how many times I have heard from students in my years of teaching, “WHY ARE WE LEARNING ABOUT THIS?” Sometimes it is hard to see the real world connections in trigonometry, but what about having to learn cursive so that you can cash your paycheck, what about learning multiplication facts so you can know how much you will be paid that work week, what about learning proper grammar so that you sound educated when you go in for an interview, and what about understanding history so that we understand how the world functions today. These real world connections can be seen, but why not use REAL real world connections from our every day life that can be felt and touched every day. If our students are going to be excited about the big Vikings game or seeing the new MJ movie, why not tie their interests into the classroom and make learning fun again?!
I would like to invite you on this new journey of learning. I challenge you to learn your 5th grader’s likes and dislikes and get him/her to use that in their learning. I know that it will take open communication between you and me to help bring the real world into your child’s classroom. I am ready to step up to the plate and take on this challenge, the question is…are you ready to be on the “hot tamale train?!”
Thank you for your continued support in your student’s learning, Miss Riggs

Pop Culture Assignment #1
As we have mentioned in class, we are going to be bring Pop Culture into our classroom. Here is your first assignment:
Last year, I introduced you to the Hip-hop group “FigureHeads.” We listened to their CD, “The Movement” every day while we are in school. Well, this year we are going to be listening to a new FigureHead CD titled, “Fire in My Soul.” Your assignment is this, read the following lyrics to “Social Justice” as you listen to the new beats by clicking on this link After you listen to the song, pick 3-4 lines that relate to you and your life. Jot down some notes as to why these particular lines mean something special to you.
Part two to your assignment: Have your family at home listen to our new FigureHead song. Ask your family what they like/dislike about this song. Would they be ok with you listening to this song, as opposed to songs with explicit lyrics? Why, or why not?
Part three of your assignment goes to your family! Ask your student what the “hidden” message is to the song “Social Justice.” Have a discussion with your student about what Social Justices they know about, or have seen first hand. Also ask your student what social injustices they have seen or know about.
Note: to both students and families, have fun with this assignment! You will be listening to an awesome song with a powerful message. Be open with each other when having discussions and make sure to check in with each other as our school year progresses. We are working on bringing Pop Culture into our classroom, and this is the first step! Be sure to check out the FigureHeads website to learn even more about our favorite Hip-hop group:

“SOCIAL JUSTICE” - FigureHeads
What you know about social justice/The ones who fought the ones who suffered/For basic rights like suffrage/But knowin about it ain’t enough kid/It’s time for you to rise up/It’s time for you to lead us

Verse 1
I’m a sojourner for truth like harriet Tubman/Can you feel that underground railroad rumblin/When it comes to justice stay stubborn/Like Rosa Parks on the bus not budgin/It all starts when someone does somethin/Instead of waitin around grumblin/So I let the ink flow like harriet Beecher Stowe/Whose uncle tom’s cabin helped to start the civil war/Then I’ll spit it some more like frances harpera protest poet revolution sparker/There’s no doubt that the path to a new beginnin/Is trail blazed by amazing women/do the math theres more I could name dozens/Many of whom did their thing without husbands/So raise the standard ladies it’s your life/And speak up for change if somethin ain’t right

Verse 2
Out the ashes of despair /Hiphop rose like a phoenixDuring a time where crime/ doubled up like a helixThis was the preset setting stage/ For a movementYouth took this flame of pain and straight used it
To spark a revolution and ignite a generationPassed from civil rights was this light of liberationOur interpretation/ went beyond their limitationsTeens/ remixed the dream/ and reached/ every nation Creativity was awakened/ And it’s no coincidenceHiphop transformed more than just/ instrumentsIt Bridged the gap distance / of black and Brown differenceAnd it still insists that/ We rise thru the resistance But now oddly Hiphop became commodityMarkets ideology making us like colonies/But our phil-o-sophy says we can move as oneand using technology, we shall over come

Verse 3
it’s hard when it feels like the world ignores you/but sorry I don’t feel sorry for you/ kids around the world been dying in war too/they won’t get used what you can afford new/27 million men, women and childrenare slaves on the planet and the number’s building/just a couple pennies is all you gotta pay for a five year old to work a twelve hour day/locked in a room till the carpet is made/you complain cuz you gotta work hard for Asdag,/ don’t you get it, get off yourself there’s billions of children who all need help but/ you still care more about your clothes than the slave kid who might have made those /either way I’m just saying there’s a lot to do /we on the front lines saving a spot for you

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Humans as Bullies in the Cyberworld

Wow...the chick in the car at the bottom of this post is....well, CREEPY!!!! I did not have any pictures of myself where I was not smiling (as the Gizmo site suggested), but I created an avatar anyway...holy cow I am creeped out!!!! Those are my eyes, but nothing else is me! And I have auburn hair, so I thought how funny would it be to be a blond in this virtual world...LOL, this is SOOO funny to me! Anyway, how to use avatars in the classroom…My students LOOOOVE Poptropica. They create from scratch players to use for different computer games. They have to remember passwords and codes, and they chat constantly about who beat what level. I would love to see if they could create an avatar of themselves to play in Poptropica (if that is even possible!) They love playing this computer game, but how much more would they love it if THEY were the characters passing the different levels?! My charter school just purchased a mobile cart of 10 laptops to be used in the classroom. We have a project to this week about our field trip to the zoo last Wednesday (right before MEA break…whoop, whoop…even though I spent 10 hours in school on Thursday and 9.5 hours Friday, so what break?!), but if the research projects get completed, I would love to look into my students making avatars for their computer games. I will have to see how this week goes…

I chose the “Interacting with Computers” to read for the second part of this week’s assignment. First off, Aaron Doering is AWESOME! He was my professor when I took Intro to Technology back when I was in school to be a teacher. Not only did I learn so much from him and become more comfortable with my technology skills, Aaron helped me with a slide show I had to create for the U of M Swim team. When I was in Aaron’s class, I was a senior on the Swim Team at the U. I was also captain and my coach asked me to create our end of the year slide show. (Just a few tid bits on that, past years had not turned out that well and I had 35 teammates giving me 100’s of pics and song requests. Yes, I am not that old, but this slide show was created before all the new age with albums online and programs designed to make slide shows a breeze!) Anyway, I mentioned to Aaron that I had this HUGE project to do for my team and he offered to help. With his assistance, that end of the year slide show turned out to be the best one to date. Everyone…coaches and parents included, asked me for a copy of the slide show, and that had NEVER happened before. Making copied of the DVD slide show was another project in itself…and Aaron was there to help again. Anyway, Aaron is GREAT and it was awesome to read about his project for this week’s assignment!

OK, back to this week’s assignment…as I was reading this article, I kept writing questions in the margins… “Did the kids know their convos were being logged?” “How is Joan responding to this abuse?” “Holy cow…did middle schoolers really just say that?!” As I continued to read, some of my questions were answered, but not all of them.

Towards the end of this article, the question was presented, what if the students were told that their teacher was able to see how they were using the Avatar? I think that would have made a world of difference, because now they are being held accountable. But then how real would this study have been??? I think when there is interaction with computers, the loss of the human factor results in people dropping their guard and acting more brashly than normal. Without a human to fire back at you, I think more people are willing to be the bully or harass because no one is going to harass back. But is that really their true colors and they are just putting on a front when they actually have to deal with other humans??? Kind of the chicken or the egg question? Which causes what? The lack of human contact brings out the worst in us, or are we set up that way and this technology environment just helps it shine through?!?! Food for thought if anyone has comments on that one.

Also, at the end of the article, there were notes about how to change how Joan responded to the mis-use of her helping students. I think comments to get kids back on track might work, but I also think if a person wants to “bully” a non-human trapped inside of a computer, I think he/she is going to bully regardless if the non-human is asking the student to get back on track. Furthermore, I think having Joan ask the student to get back on track it only going to make the situation worse…get them more fired up to keep the harassment and bullying going. But what do I know, and maybe not getting a rise out of Joan will squash the issue and the student will get back on track.

On page 297 of this article when the comments of Students A-J were being noted, I actually wrote in the margins… “WOW!!!!!!” My jaw dropped and I was shocked that middle schoolers would be using this language, and more shocking…using this language WHILE IN SCHOOL!!!!!! I’m not saying that I’m a saint, but still, I was raised with morals and values and knowing the difference between wrong and right. What the heck were these kids thinking?!?! I’m a female so I have never asked another female the questions that Students A-J did, but at the same time, I have never been asked those questions by people in my life. Yes, I go out to the bars and yes, I know how to have a fun time, but I do so not at the expense of another person. I also surround myself with people with similar values…yes we can get rowdy, but were not going to ask a passerby, “Do you suck bug nuts?” I still can not believe that a middle school would ask that same question when it is part of an assignment…regardless if he/she did or did not know that the teacher could read the questions posted. I know that Thom can read our blogs, he told us he could at the beginning of this class. You better believe I would never ask my blog buddies what color undies they are wearing, but I certainly would not stray from the course work during our chats knowing that Thom can read all that we type!

I do find this study to be very interesting, and the questions it poses. Would there be similar sexual questions if Joan was a male character? Would it help to have a gender neutral person answering questions, or would that just stir up the students to see who could find out the sexuality of the CPA first to be able to share the answers with others? Would the outcome be different if the students were told upfront that their activity online was being recorded…or would that just mask their true colors? I guess the only way to get answers to these questions is to have more studies on this subject and change one variable at a time. Aaron Doering is an awesome professor (no offense Thom!) and I nominate Aaron to conduct more studies and let us know what he finds out!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blog #4-We are living in the fast-paced technology world of tomorrow

These three articles on video games were particularly interesting to me, seeing as the last video game I thoroughly enjoyed was Super Mario Brothers 3. It’s been a while since I have hunkered down and played a video game for hours on end, but I do know that’s what most of my students (as well as many school age children of the world) are currently doing! We are living in a world where technology is a way of life…machines have replaced the human factor while trying to make things simpler and easier for all. I can recall my grandfather telling me of the days where ice cream cones were 5 cents, a pack of gum cost a penny, and there were men at gas stations who would fill up your tank for less than what a gallon of gas costs today. Where are those people who provide services hiding today?! Gas stations now have machines to do all the work, collect the money and YOU get to fill up your own car…make it quick because there will be a line if there is a “sale” on the price of gas and you probably are running late to next commitment. And what about grocery stores? More and more are replacing the check out clerks with machines so that YOU can scan your own food and you can be on your merry way. Why do we view face time with other humans, as “bad” time?
Regardless if you are on board with the technology craze, this train is moving and you better get a ticket. I feel fortunate enough to have grown up where new and improved technology was the norm. I did not get my first cell phone until I was in college, but I do feel comfortable in texting and downloading apps…or helping my mother set up her voicemail for the 13th time! Computers are another technology avenue I feel comfortable navigating…only because I have always had access to one, and have had to use computers for my own school work, as well as my teaching. Kids today also have a knack of understanding technology (probably having a better understanding than the generation ahead of them!) And with this love of technology, we as teachers would be crazy not to incorporate it into the classroom!
The article by Scot Osterweil is information I am going to bring to my director and school board as a way to bridge the gap between school and technology to enhance student’s learning. I think the game Labyrinth sounds just fascinating and exactly what our school needs. Our kids come form underprivileged homes, many of them being homeless. And this game sounds like the right link of building math, reading, and writing skills AND still using technology, even if you can’t afford the newest gaming system. As a teacher who works at a school who is now on AYP, I can relate to Osterweil’s quote:

“Teachers recognized the attraction of games to their students, but they can’t justify games-with all the social baggage the word carries-to administrators and parents.”

This is so true! We feel bogged down by trying to hit all the standards and trying to teach so that our kids can pass a standardized test, but what happened to making learning fun? I think this game would do an excellent job in justifying games for learning, means fun for all! The one other quote that was an “Aha” moment for me in Osterweil’s articles was:

“We expect teachers to be talented professionals while paying them low salaries and even lower levels of respect.”

Ain’t that the truth?! So my question is, why do we as teacher keep coming back to hard work, for our little pay and littler respect…it’s because of the kids, and we need to remember how to teach to these kids in this technology craze, while still making learning fun, and still hitting the standards. Wow, that’s a tough order to fill!
The second article about “genderplay” made me chuckle. It is true that many games are geared towards young men and boys, and the scantily clad women as advertisements are very enticing to the horny male population. In a world where sex sells, advertisers would be crazy not to use sexy ladies to help sell their games. Do I agree with it, or think it’s right, of course not, but until the men on this earth get re-wired and think only with their brains, and not their personal “joysticks,” I do not think sexy vixens will be going away any time soon! It would be nice if the women in video games could be seen as pioneers, but chances are, a guy is the one creating the video game, so why not have something nice to look at?!
The last article by James Paul Gee, made me reflect on my own teaching skills and how learning happens in my classroom. I have always wondered how can my students play video games on end, or take hours to update their MySpace accounts, but they can’t hunker down with a good book and read for 20 minutes?! This insider look at video games, and how it challenges the player is great information to use in the classroom. Gee mentions,

“Video games operate on the principle of “performance before competence.” That is, players can learn as they play, rather than having to master an entire body of knowledge before being able to put it to use. Research shows that students learn best when they learn in context—that is, when they can relate words, concepts, skills, or strategies to prior experience. In fact, many students are alienated from what they learn in school because those connections and experiences are absent.”

I was taught in my teaching classes at the U of M, to relate lesson to my personal life so that the kids can see real-world connections to what they are learning. How many times have we heard students say, “Why do I have to learn this? When will I use this in my life?” And if we as teachers can show them all the real-world connections, it gives more meaning to what they are learning. I have even learned to take it one step further, and not just relate lessons to my own life, but asking the students how they can be connected to what we are learning. When kids are able to make that connection, their learning is taken to a whole deeper level.
Technology is a way of life, and this craze does not seem to be losing any speed, in fact it’s just the opposite. Technology is getting faster, cheaper, and more accessible. Teachers from the past may have gotten a way with simple lessons of text books, notebooks paper, and pencils. But today’s teachers will need to master Smart Boards, websites, and LCD Projectors to keep their students learning fun, exciting, and on the cutting edge of technology to make sure everyone is entertained.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bog #3 Shopping Malls & Sports Bars

Wow, it sure does seem like Mark Snyders whooped it up while spending a whole week at our famous Mall of America! I knew that tidbit about no heaters inside of MOA, that just body heat is used because our famous mall was a feature on the Discovery Channel a while back. That’s really weird to think that a place that enormous in the dead of Minnesota winter does not have a heating system other than the heat wafting off the thousand’s of bodies milling around the mall. And most of us savvy Minnesotans do not want to be bothered with carrying around our winter parkas while we are shopping, so I guess the next time a tourist cuts you in line while you’re paying for your coffee at Caribou, instead of being mad, thank him/her for their body heat!
Back to the article…I enjoyed Snyders references to Southdale and EP mall. Like my title says, you MUST be in the “mood,” or have relatives from out of town, or be on a mission to brave MOA. Any other quick trips to the mall can be sufficed by Southdale or EP Center (if you are southwest of the cities). There is no such thing as a quick trip to MOA…even on an off day, it takes 30 minutes to find a parking spot and 30 more minutes to find your car when you are tired and carrying too many bags! I live in Eden Prairie, and we have all the choices we need between Southdale and EP Center, but it was not always that way. I laughed out loud with Snyders’ reference to Kevin Smith’s movie, Mallrats.

Mallrats debuted in 1995, and at the time I was 14 years old. The whole community was so excited that our mall had been chosen for a movie. The only issue was, our mall was kind of, well OK, it was a dump! We were not all too bothered during the filming of Mallrats, because it was not a very cool place to be. I looked at clips from YouTube, and I have to laugh when I remember how simple and old our EP mall used to be! (Let’s just say, with all of the renovations, we now rival Southdale, and it better fits the high standards us EP people have!) Take a look at this YouTube clip of Mallrats and you will see what I mean about our mall being really old and simple. (I tried 10 times to upload the video clip right into my blog, but Blogger was having technical issues and my videos were not uploading. Sorry, but still click on this link!
The food court was so cheap and I remember playing in that pet store and wanting to buy all of the puppies. The mall was not very populated, and as a result, for the 1999 graduating class (and many other Senior Parties), we were able to shut down the mall and have our Senior Night Lock-in Party. I think the mall made more revenue with the 650+ high school seniors and the fees we paid for our senior night, than they would have made being open! When looking at the YouTube clip of Mallrats, I noticed that the area where the stage was for the game show “Truth of Dare” was the exact same place our Hypnotist was set up on stage during our senior party. I was one of the lucky chosen few, who was able to get up on stage be hypnotized! If you have never been hypnotized before, I highly recommend it! It was a blast; at least what my friends told me about was a blast. I swear, I do not remember shooting at aliens with a zapper gun or crying because I felt like I was being pinched over and over…but there are pictures to prove it!
The mall does not look anything like that now, it’s much more high class catering to the “stay at home Moms” who have more money than they know what to do with (I’d like to help them spend it!) Take a look at this YouTube clip to see shots of a new and improved EP Center. I guess seeing our drab mall on the big screen in such a bomber of a movie got all the city board executives on the fast track to renovate our mall…and we are certainly happier with the more posh setting! (Again, Blogger not helping my cause to make this blog more user-friendly, please click on link below)

Now, onto the Mecca of coming to Minnesota…The Mall of America! Anything you could think of to buy for yourself or as a present could be found under this enormous roof! I mean anything, fresh Wisconsin cheese, hair extensions, Goth Accessories, diamonds, Gucci, legos, oversized-puffy slippers, caricatures, John Deer model tractors, flat screen TVs, iphones, and Disney stuffed animals to just name a few. Not only can you buy just about anything, you can eat and do just about anything while roaming around the grand 4 floors. You can pretend you are Buba Gump and pose with his box of chocolates, you can scream while riding Sponge Bob’s Rock Bottom Plunge rollercoaster, you can tap into your creativity at Lego Land, you can travel to far off exotic places and eat at Rainforest café or Kokomo’s Island Café. If you do make it to MOA, then you will have to experience one of the following: touching, feeding, or having a sleepover with the sharks and fish in Underwater World! It seems as if Mark Snyders was able to experience most of these fun things during his week long stint at the MOA, but it could take a life time of trips for the average person to experience all of what MOA has to offer.

While reading Snyders’s article, I found myself many times laughing out loud and saying, “Yeah, I have seen that too with my very own eyes!” I have experienced a meal or two at Rainforest Café. I love animals and nature, so I was enamored with the surroundings because it made me feel like a kid again, and of course, I wanted to buy one of just about everything in the conveniently located gift shop as you exit the restaurant! I have seen popular celebs in the rotunda in the middle of the mall performing, and I will be honest, I was mad that I did not know when New Kids on the Block stopped by MOA to perform (I got over my sadness real quick, because I went to their reunion concert at Excel last spring…NKOTB fan 4ever!) I have seen and even babysat for the “stay at home mom” so she can run errands without being bogged down by her own offspring…so the story on “Ashley” with her fake bake and frosted tips hunting for bargains made me laugh until I was in stitches! I have eaten Buba Gump at the MOA, and while they promise the seafood is fresh, I have to admit, I loved the Buba Gump in Honolulu. I think it had something to do with the ambience of being outside, right by the water…and I’m thinking the seafood was a bit “fresher” in Hawaii! I have not had a manicure or pedicure at the MOA, but I am always intrigued by that eyebrow threading place…you know the one, the Indian Salon on the second floor I believe, and they have customers laid way back in reclined chairs, and the workers are busy threading, pulling, and swooping over the eyes of their customers?! I always think, how does that even work, and how could they even be accurate with what they are plucking from the face?! Look at this YouTube Clip so you know what I am talking about…(darn, Blogger, one more time, please click on link)

Back to Snyders’ article…I am a little bit leery of the Oxygen Bar. I grew up being a swimmer, and still coach the sport year round, so the lungs were a very important part of the body to take care of. I can proudly say I have not smoked a single thing in my entire life, and I love the no smoking in public places law! My hair is very thick and it would trap the smoke from others making me smell like a walking ash tray…yuck! So for the oxygen bar, I would be hesitant to try that, but I do the aqua massager! It does kind of feel like you are in a human car wash, but it does work out some of your kinks. I have pet the sharks in Underwater World, but I have not had a sleepover with them yet…next on my to-do list. I have eaten at Hooters…great wings and cold beer, what could be better?! Funny thing is, some girls who I graduated high school with have found promising jobs being “Hooters Girls”…the only change from high school is their cup size…most have tripled in size so I barely recognized them! I have eaten at Kokomo’s Café, and the island food is really good (sorry I did not try out the alcoholic beverages there, but it sounds like they passed Mark Snyders’ test!) So I guess I have had similar experiences as Snyder has had, I just have experienced them over the course of my life time with the mall being open, not in 7 crazy long days.

While the old EP mall was not the cool hang out spot prior to its renovations, the MOA is certainly a cool hang out spot for teens. It is here where any teen can find a group or clique to belong to; there is space for all walks of life under one roof. Teens can find the latest accessories to fit their style whether it be preppy, jock, or Goth. There is plenty of entertainment to be had at MOA with Nickelodeon Park, Movie theaters, and food courts, if you had earned your allowance for that week, as a teen why would you not get to the mall and spend it?! I know malls are hot spots for teen because I have been known to babysit for that age group. I hear it from both the parents and the teens that spending time at the mall is ok. The parents think the malls are a safe place for their teens when they have their cell phones so they can be tracked down, and teens want to go to the mall because that is where all of their friends will be. But are malls really a safe place for teen?

The MOA began a new law when I has in high school that anyone under the age of 16 had to be accompanied by an adult past 8:00PM. This made our fun nights out at the mall a little trickier to do. You could still go to a movie, but there was one specific door and if you did not walk through there, the security guards made you feel as if you had just robbed a bank with all the questions they probed you with. Regardless, the new rule put a kink in our plans most Friday nights, but I guess it was for our own safety. This new law came out right around the same time as the talk of gangs, and shootings, and violence at MOA starting appearing in the evening news.

Article: Two hurt in Mall of America stabbing; Tape catches image of suspect; janitor injured trying to break up scuffle.
Article from: Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
Article date: February 1, 1999
Author: Graves, Chris
After a shooting at the Mall of America less than a month ago, officials increased security, including installing more surveillance cameras.
Early Sunday, videotape from one of the mall's cameras likely recorded the image of a suspect who stabbed two men, including a mall employee who received minor injuries while trying to break up the scuffle, said Mall of America spokeswoman Maureen Cahill. The incident took place in the east rotunda on the mall's first floor just before 1:30 a.m.
A 29-year-old man remained in serious condition from stab wounds he sustained during the fight at the Bloomington mall.

So this friendly family place has now turned into clear battle grounds. This is one major point that Mark Snyders casually forgot to bring up in his article about MOA…or did he forget on purpose?! The mall was once a place where groups of teens went to explore their independence, but now some of those cliques have turned bad…they have turned into gangs and certain gangs have specific territories inside of MOA. I have a friend who works at the Bloomington Police Department. He has told me that there are police that only work at MOA, because the gangs keep them so busy. The flashing of their colors, the marking of territories, the shootings over starter jackets, and stabbings because another gang member got too close to the “wrong” territory…the list is endless. And while no one doing a positive story about MOA will mention the gang situation, you have to be aware that it is real and it does exist…not just at MOA, but other malls as well. I was shocked to hear about these stories, but at the same time, my family has had a not-so-pleasant experience at MOA back when I was younger due to some kids who did not care about the safety of others.

My Mother, Brother, and myself were spending a fun day at MOA, and had seen and bought lots of new things. It was the afternoon, so we decided to take a rest on a bench, have a snack (our favorite Cinnabun), and fuel up to finish our fun day at the MOA. While the three of us were innocently sitting on the bench located on the first floor, a group of teens way up on fourth floor threw a marble down at us. It hit my Mother’s wrist, she cried out in pain, and I looked up to where I heard giggling. I could not fathom doing such a horrible thing to a complete stranger and laughing about it. They took off, and my guess, looked for their next victims. At first, my Mother, Brother, and I did not know what my Mom had been hit with, and then we spotted the marble rolling away from the bench. My Mom’s wrist was in severe pain, but she just was happy none of us were hit in the head. Needless to say, our fun day at MOA was cut short, and left a bad taste in our mouths. We don’t rest on benches on the first floor anymore, now as an adult, I keep my eye out for teens “looking for trouble.”

Fortunately, no in my family has been permanently hurt when shopping at MOA. All the females in my family still go there to shop on Black Friday, but we are more cautious then we were in the past. We do not want to be part of the next story in the news paper about a gang stabbing, or fight at the mall, so we keep our eyes peeled and stick together. Malls are a way of life when a teenager is trying to figure out what he/she wants to become in the ways of clothes and friends, but how can we make the malls a safe place again where gangs and reckless teens are not having fun at the expense of others? I’m all ears if you have the answer…

Part 2 – Location Bumper’s Sport Bar & Grill in Burnsville, MN

So while I am sitting here at the Bar enjoying the Packers game with my boyfriend, I figured it would be the perfect place to take observations for the last part of my blog due today. The assignment is taking observations on men…well, that will be an easy one in here right now! There are a bunch in here dressed in their Packer gear, drinking beer, and eating greasy food. ..unfortunately, my boyfriend is also in this category!

I am a sports nut too, but it’s funny how sports brings guys together. These two random guys in Packer gear saw my boyfriend’s green and yellow, asked if the seats were taken next to us, and when we responded with “No,” they were quick to sit down and become our new best friends. My boyfriend and his two new best buddies are enjoying the Miller Lite specials and deals food, all the while cheering on The Pack.

I also find it funny, that guys take wins and losses to heart. I swear, when my boyfriend’s teams don’t win, it’s like someone ran over his dog. But when his teams win, it’s like he was there on the field with his team helping them get a “W!” Has anyone else ever noticed that, or is my boyfriend just that special? Don’t get me wrong, I love watching football on Sunday’s and I’d rather go to a baseball game, then watch one on TV, but I am not going to cry when my home team does not win, nor am I going to slap high fives to complete strangers when my favorite player hits a base hit!

Last weekend, I had an awesome Belated Birthday weekend…a quick recap: My boyfriend and I drove to Milwaukee for a weekend of fun. Friday night, we got front row at Sugarland (our favorite Country group), on Saturday we tailgated at Miller Park and watched an outdoor baseball game as the Brewers won, and finally on Sunday, we drove to Green Bay and watched the Pack outdoors at Lambeau Field. Pretty great weekend for two people who love country music and sports, but I think my boyfriend enjoyed MY birthday weekend more than I did. At both sports venues, he would spark up sports related conversations with random strangers, and high five the people we were sitting next too when the Brew Crew or The Pack did something slightly well during their games. I swear, I think he thinks he’s out there with the players and all of his blood, sweat, and tears go into a win for his favorite teams!
In general, sports seem like a way for males to show their power, dominance, and status. Guys not great at sports are not as “tough” and thought of to be “wussy.” While here in the bar, you would be amazed at the “way back when” stories you can hear…especially after these guys get a few cold Miller Lites in them! I have heard from the “fastest guy in the Midwest,” the guy who has the records on Golden Tee at Bumpers, and the guy who can out drive Tiger Woods in golf. When the beers wear off, or when you push for more information, you finally get at the truth. The fastest guy in the Midwest was the fastest guy in his eighth grade middle school gym class, the guy who has the Golden Tee record at Bumpers can only play golf on a video screen, he has never been to real golf course, and the guy who can out drive Tiger Woods, has never even met Tiger, but can beat Tiger when he plays against him in video game. Funny how the core of the story could be seen as truthful, but when their masculinity is at stake…the details can become fuzzy, and the bigger, the better when telling past sports stories to strangers you are trying to impress! Guys, and my boyfriend fits into this “stereotype” of embellishing stories to man up, but the truth is, I know when my boyfriend is bending the truth, and you better believe I just hung him out to dry in front of our two new best buddies, the Packer Fans here at Bumps, and they are enjoying every minute of this!
The pictures at the top of my blog are of the following:
(Top Picture) A picture of Lambeau Field taken from my seat with my iphone
(Middle Picture) A picture of Miller Park taken from my seat with my iphone
(Bottom Picture) A picture taken at Sugarland concert when my boyfriend and I were front row, bellied up to the stage. Picture taken with my boyfriend's cell phone. Sugarland: Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Busch

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog #2 - Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em

For this blog, I took a look at three different music videos. The first video was Lesley Gore’s “It’s My Party,” the second video was Fiona Apple’s “Criminal,” and the last video was Lil’ Kim’s “How Many Licks.” For class, we are to take a look at how the roles of men and women have changed over the years, and how these music videos are representation of the change.
In the first music video, Gore’s “It’s my Party,” probably better known as “Cry if I want to,” we see Gore fully clothed dancing around and singing a “sad” song with a smile on her face. She was probably told to smile for the cameras knowing the video would end up on TV and sell her more records, but really, it’s a song all about crying, and she has a smile plastered to her face…kind of ironic, I think! Anyway, back to the bigger meaning of the song. So basically this wonder guy Johnny is the man with all the power. He is in charge of which woman to be with. He did not pick Gore, even though he was at her party, but rather, he chose to be with Judy. What a pig! He is at Lesley’s party, and has the audacity to leave with another girl. He even takes it a step further, and makes Judy his girl by giving her his ring (a sign of ownership letting all other males know that she is mine!) and the two walk around Lesley’s party as if they are royalty.
Not only does Johnny have the power to choose what woman he wants to be with at that moment in time, he also has the power to control the emotions of all the women involved. He chose Judy and makes her feel like a queen. He did not choose Lesley and now her party is ruined because she’s crying. This song basically gives the green light for guys to control women. Lesley confirms this idea by singing, “til Johnny’s dancing with me, I’ve got no reason to smile”. She has given him total control of the situation and has determined that her feelings will not change until Johnny picks her. The hook of the song, “I’ll cry if I want to” over and over again also implies that women are weak and emotional. A guy would not cry if a girl did not pick him, but a female will fall into pieces if a guy does not want to be with her. I think it is slightly ironic that this “bubble-gum” pop song (a huge hit still even today) is a celebration of men overpowering women, and it is being sung by a female with smile on her face. If this same situation happened to me, I certainly would not be smiling!
The second music video, Fiona Apple’s “Criminal” gives us a taste of female power over males, but then she feels bad about what she has just done, and asks for forgiveness. In the beginning of the song, Apple sings, “I’ve been careless with a delicate man.” She had the power and the man was weak. But now that the tryst is over, the female feels bad. During the sexual encounter, Fiona felt as if she had the upper hand, but now with deed done, she is asking for forgiveness. In her song she sings, “I’ve done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins.” So while she enjoyed being in the heat of the moment, as soon as it was over, her “female reality button” gets pushed and she’s taking on the blame. Throughout the song there are clips of Fiona lying on nearly naked people, sitting on a male’s lap with his pants unzipped, and her undressing. On the other hand there are clips where she is staring straight into the camera asking to be cleansed of her sins.
The totally ironic concept with this whole music video is, Fiona is not to be blamed at all. We come to find out that it is the man and the audience (us) watching who are the ones to blame! In the video, Fiona portrays a young girl in pigtails, too young to be partaking in her “criminal” acts, and it is the man who has made her into his possession. In the web article by Mark Zeltner, he writes that this video actually plays into the “male rape fantasy…that women entice or "come on" to men and in that way are actually at fault for the man's abuse.” So while Fiona thought she was in control, and she was enjoying the sexual act, only to later feel guilty about the encounter, the man was really to blame all along! Once again, the male is in charge of how the female acts and feels.
The final video by Lil’ Kim, “How Many Licks” is the strongest representation on female power. While her title “How Many Licks” is very tongue and cheek, her lyrics are not. She opens her song by saying “Ah hell I have even f*ucked with different races.” Lil’ Kim then proceeds to run through her “laundry list” of all the men she had been with. She sings about a “white dude” who is so whipped by her that he’ll buy her anything to be with her. Next, is a guy she spanks and is in total control of when in the bedroom with him. The next fella is cheating on his girlfriend to be with Lil’ Kim. Next, is a “Puertorican Papi” who pleasures Lil’ Kim only on the weekends. Last, but certainly not least, is “King Kong” with his “hurricane tongue”…an attribute Lil’ Kim seems to enjoy as much as his huge male body part. Lil’ Kim thinks so highly of her self that she claims many men masturbate to her while in prison and she’s so high class, that her “flavor” comes in flavors! While this is certainly a form of females with power over their sexuality, this is also an example of females objectifying themselves.
In this music video, you see an assembly line and Lil’ Kim dolls being packaged for sale. What does that mean…that all of us women are alike, that we all can be bought, that our sex is for sale??? Kind of funny that a female empowerment song such as “How many licks,” gives the power back to the males. While Lil’ Kim does want to portray power over her sexual conquests, this song does objectify females by showing the assembly line and females ready for sale in the doll packages. There is certainly a double standard between male and females…if a guy has lots of women, then he’s the MAN, but if a female has lots of guys, then she’s a slut. Why is that? I guess we as females have not come all that far since the “It’s my Party” song…the guys still have the power. While a guy will argue the opposite, I propose this question to you…how do we as females gain our power, not feel bad for it, and keep control over our feelings and emotions??? If any one has the answer that both males and females can agree on, you have just become a millionaire!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Tooning In" Chapters 1-3

In the first three chapters of this book, authors White and Walker are telling us the importance of Pop Culture. It is in everything we see, hear and breathe. The funny thing with schools these days is how board members, directors, and even some teachers, are trying to keep Pop Culture out of the classroom. It is ironic how pop culture is trying to be taken away from the students, but for those of us lucky enough to have a teacher’s lounge or participate in a happy hour after school, Pop culture is the common norm, what we talk about, and determines who we become friends with. As I re-read these first chapters, many ideas from White and Walker hit close to home.
My first connection with “Tooning In” came from reading about Sesame Street and MTV. I can remember when I was a little girl, my younger brother and I would argue over what we would watch on TV. I mean argue over everything, except for when Sesame Street was on. That was a no brainer, we both enjoyed it, and my mom enjoyed the calm before the next storm. The reasons we enjoyed it, because it was” fun and entertaining”…just like White and Walker stated in their book. My brother and I did not even realize we were learning new things by watching our favorite show, we just enjoyed laughing along with Bert, Ernie, Snuffleupagus, Oscar, and Big Bird.
MTV was a newer concept when I was growing up, and now it paves the way for Pop Culture Norms. Trends have been set and squashed according to what is seen and heard on MTV, and that comes straight into the classrooms. We, as teachers, would be ridiculous not to listen to what our kids had to say about the TV they watched the night before, or over the weekend. We of course, hope the TV watching happens only after ALL homework is done, right?! Like I mentioned before, adults talk about pop culture, and MTV has been in this category for me. I will have to admit, that I have been known to watch the “great” shows like “Daisy of Love,” “Real World/Road Rules Challenge,” and “John and Kate Plus 8,” and let me tell you, my student’s mouths drop when I add in my two cents about the show they had just watched! They look at me as if I’m an alien and can’t believe they watch the same TV shows as their teacher! After the initial shock does wear off, then they are more comfortable about chatting on upcoming episodes.
White and Walker also write about the importance of the mandated curriculum and TEST SCORES. Now I will tell you, teaching at a school that is on AYP, all I can think about is trying to cram in as much test prep as humanly possible every school day, and now that I am thinking about it, I should have started test prep back on September 1st! No, but seriously, it is a very daunting task to make sure we teach the kids what they need to know in order to pass the test, but how do we do it in a fun manner??? If anyone has that answer, would you mind letting me know! I too used to think, a quiet classroom was a “in control classroom,” but I now know that is not the case. My kids do their best learning when they are able to work with partners and chat with friends…I just wish my director would also understand this revelation I have had!
Going along with the “not quiet classroom,” I always play music throughout the school day. I am one of those people who need music to help me concentrate…dead silence makes me go batty! My grandfather could never understand this, because he needs the silence to focus, but I guess that just shows you, everyone learns their best in different ways. Anyway, back to the music…it’s kind of like Pavlov’s Dogs in my classroom, only because certain music means certain things in my classroom. I play Enya or relaxing music from Hawaii during quieter work times, I play the “Cha Cha Slide” or “Cupid Shuffle” during our dance breaks, and I play (the best hip hop group for kids check out their website ) FigureHeads during our social time or any small group work. The kids know when they hear a certain type of music, that a certain type of work is expected. If there is a mistake in the type of music played, all bets are off with my students’ behavior…I have must have “trained” them well! Any substitute who has been in my class has thanked me for giving them a heads up on what kind of music to play through out the day….even though I might not be in class, the kids will still know what to do according to what music they are hearing.
The last bit of our reading was very interesting, and I found myself wondering how I can have my students work with the 4 components to effective critical media literacy program. On page 36, White and Walker state 4 pieces crucial to bringing critical media literacy into the classroom. What they had to write sounds amazing with students: “looking for hidden meanings,” picking the right book, “active transformation,” and “seeing the future holds opportunities.” While all of this sounds great, how can I do this with 5th grade students who read below a 1st grade level…yep you read that right, BELOW a 1st grade level. My jaw nearly hit the floor last year, when I tested my 4th grade students and I only had 2 kids at/above grade level! We worked hard all year to bring up reading scores, but then summer hit, and reading went out the window! I feel as if we are back to square one, and while I want my students to read deeper and look for hidden meanings, I also have to take a step back and be happy when they can read a full sentence correctly and with expression…so my question is, where is the balance?!?! I know I want and need Pop Culture in my makes learning more meaningful and connects learning to the real world, but how do I get my struggling readers more excited about reading and taking steps towards what White and Walker have to say about Critical Media Literacy???? That will be the million dollar question for me to answer…

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New at this

Hi fellow classmates!
The school day is coming to an end, and I need to pick my 5th graders up from enrichment in about 4 minutes, but I wanted to post my first blog ever! I will say our class text "Tooning In" is a really great book. I'm one of those wierd people who like to plan ahead (and I know the beginning of the school year is always CRAZY!), so I ordered the book in July and read it when I had more "down time." Of course, I will need to re-read it so it's fresh for blogging!

Hope all of you are enjoying this weather and see ya in cyberspace!